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If you are venturing out today, it is likely that you have heard warnings about black ice being present on roads across New York. Streets and highways likely provided drivers on Sunday with harrowing experiences because of the thin, invisible sheets of ice that coat the roads once freezing rain actually freezes on the ground.

ABC News reports that nearly 500 accidents occurred over the weekend across the northeast, with huge accidents occurring in New Jersey and New York. On I-95 in the Garden State, a 30 vehicle accident injured 16 people. Outside of New York City, a 60 vehicle crash injured more than 30 people and left one dead. In fact, the New York City Fire Department received more than 3,500 calls for accidents due to slippery roads. 

Indeed, the weather calls for another reminder for drivers of the legal implications of failing to use reasonable care on the road. Yes, there are instances where the weather can cause conditions so unpredictable that an accident may occur despite one’s best efforts. But drivers should be wary of conditions and realize that reducing speed on potentially icy roads can also reduce the chances of being in a crash.

Following increased scrutiny since the death of comedian Joan Rivers in September, Yorkville Endoscopy—the facility where Rivers was receiving care prior to her death—will reportedly be losing recognition as an accredited and certified facility for insurance purposes.

Both the Centers for Medicare Services and the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities apparently removed their blessing because of substandard care provided by the facility.

As readers may remember, the facility was cited for substandard care following an investigation of the events that led to Rivers’ death, including failure to take notice of deteriorating vital signs. The firm that manages Yorkville Endoscopy and other surgical centers, has been cited for substandard care at its other facilities as well, though the firm’s attorney says the violations in question are not out of the norm for the industry and, in any case, have since been corrected.

It is tough enough going to an emergency room after a serious injury, you shouldn’t have to wait an eternity in order to get medical attention. Unfortunately, patients can fall through the cracks in the midst of a busy trauma center, and may not be seen in a reasonable amount of time. When this happens, what may be a commonly treatable injury may progress into something worse and life threatening.

Such was the case of a patient who came to an emergency room complaining of a severe headache and excessive vomiting. The patient’s wife even informed medical personnel that he had recently been hospitalized for bacterial meningitis. He also had been diagnosed previously with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and had been placed on blood thinners. 

For more than four hours the patient was not seen by a physician despite abnormal vital signs and laboratory readings. Soon afterwards, the patient fell into a coma. Indeed, the patient did not pass away, but a medical malpractice suit was initiated due to the failure to diagnose him in time to prevent a common ailment from progressing into something substantially worse.

Sometimes you wish that the old adage “you get what you pay for” applied to everything in life. For the most part, it does. If you want to pay extra for a luxury vehicle, it will have features and overall performance that outshines an economy vehicle. The same goes for paying for first class tickets on an airplane as opposed to paying coach.

However, what you may be paying for as far as medical services may not reflect the quality of service and advice you may receive. According to a performance evaluation conducted by the Commonwealth Fund, the U.S. health care system continually underperforms even though it is the most expensive in the world.

The findings were reached through an analysis of several factors, including:

The place that is dubbed “the happiest place on earth” may have been anything but joyful for a number of people who contracted measles while at Disneyland and its adjacent park, Disney’s California Adventure. According to a recent USA report, health officials linked the outbreak to patrons who attended the park between December 15 and December 20.

For the uninitiated, the measles virus can be highly contagious. Health officials indicate that the virus can hang in the air “like a ghost” for up to two hours, even though it does not speak on surfaces. As such, it is not suspected that the park could be dangerous for patrons. Additionally, if a person has been vaccinated (as many children in the United States have been), the measles virus is not likely to pose a threat. Since the infected patrons visited the park nearly a month ago, it has been deemed safe for the public.

Nevertheless, the outbreak does raise questions about a theme park’s liability for spreading contagious diseases. On a threshold level, a park (or any other public venue, for that matter) has a responsibility to take reasonable steps to keep public areas free of contaminants that can spread disease. Essentially, there is a duty to sanitize areas where diseases can fester and become dangerous to the public.

There are a number of dangerous jobs in New York. From working on a construction site to protecting the public as a police officer, jobs that come with a certain amount of risk are completed every day without people being injured. However, accidents do happen, and when they do, an injured worker may be able to assert their rights and seek compensation.

Indeed, the first question an injured worker should ask themselves (or at least a lawyer) is whether the accident is covered under workers’ compensation laws. In many industries, the exclusive remedy for injured workers is to file a claim. However, depending on the circumstances, a worker may file suit to seek damages through a negligence or wrongful death claim.

Such is likely the case for the loved ones of an elevator worker who was killed while doing maintenance on an elevator in Manhattan. According to a recent report, the man was in the elevator shaft when an empty elevator came down three floors, and pinned the man underneath. The weight of the elevator crushed the man to death.

With all the posts we have written about medical malpractice, part of the reason that some may not bring malpractice suits is that they may not realize that their injuries or ailments were actually caused by a doctor’s mistake. Additionally, some may have questions about whether they can bring a lawsuit, given how much time has passed since the surgery, diagnosis, or procedure they underwent.

Because of these questions, we dedicate this post to answering the question (on a threshold level) as to how the statute of limitations may affect a medical malpractice suit. 

Under New York state law, a medical malpractice suit must be initiated within two years and six months of the alleged injury or malpractice. New York is one of a few states in America where the statute of limitations is based on the date of the alleged malpractice (or the last date of treatment), not when a prospective plaintiff actually discovers that their ailment was caused by a physician’s mistake. Because of this, a plaintiff may be at a disadvantage when it comes to seeking damages for malpractice.

It may go without saying that driving in upstate New York can be difficult during this time of year. After all, we recently posted on how ice missiles that come off a semi truck’s trailer are hardly friendly to drivers following behind them. But snow covered hazards are probably the least of a driver’s worries. It is whether a truck driver is too sleepy to be behind the wheel.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fatigued driving has been a problem for commercial drivers and individuals alike. 

Fatigue is a culprit in more than 100,000 crashes each year, and it is believed that drowsy driving is underreported. This is likely the reason why federal regulators implemented hours of service rules, so that the public may benefit from not having so many tired drivers on the road, which would ostensibly limit the number of accidents due to fatigue.

It’s a rite of passage in homes across New York and around the nation: Parents handing over the keys to the household’s oldest — and perhaps worst — vehicle to their newly licensed teen driver.

While the idea of driving around in an older model vehicle likely makes little difference to the teens driving them and makes sound financial sense to the parents doing the gifting, a recently released study by two researchers from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety suggests that this might not be the safest course of action.

Specifically, the study — published in the latest edition of the journal Injury Prevention — examined figures in the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System, and made some shocking findings concerning fatal car accidents involving teen drivers between 2008 and 2012.

Living with treacherous sidewalks and parking lots is a way of life in upstate New York. After all, with all the snow that we receive during the winter (and unfortunately sometimes during the spring) you would think that store and building owners would know that they have a legal duty to keep entry ways and parking lots reasonably free of snow and ice.

Unfortunately, it does not always happen that way. Because of this, pedestrians are injured in slip and falls during the winter. However, as the old adage says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. With that, we offer some helpful tips for pedestrians as they navigate icy sidewalks, entryways and parking lots. 

Make storeowners aware of dangerous conditions – As we alluded to earlier, property owners have a duty to take reasonable steps to make ingress and egress safe for customers. However, if they are not put on notice about dangerous conditions, it may be difficult to establish liability for an owner who does not know that such conditions exist.

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