In our last post, we highlighted the dangers that young children, and some adults alike, face when at the water park or at someone’s backyard pool. Essentially, people who are not strong swimmers could be in distress and supervisory people may not even know it. And to avoid a tragedy, homeowners and park personnel both have a duty to use reasonable care in making sure a person does not drown.
However, drownings are not the only concerns facing water parks, public pools are even some homeowners. The chemical balance in the water must strong enough to ward off algae and other germs, but the chlorine must not be harmful to patrons. According to an ABC report, more than 40 people were sickened at a northern California public pool.
The victims, mostly children were likely exposed to high levels of sodium hypochlorite, a form of chlorine that is used to treat swimming pools. Officials investigating the incident reported that 17 people were taken to the hospital and were later released. 23 other people were treated onsite.