In New York City, there has been a recent flourish of pedestrian accidents which demonstrate how serious the consequences of a car crash can be. Over a dozen pedestrians have reportedly been killed in the Big Apple since Halloween, despite Mayor de Blasio’s ongoing efforts to completely eliminate traffic deaths in the city.
While these efforts have obviously not yet eliminated traffic fatalities, pedestrian fatalities are at least lower than they were in 2014. So far this year, a total of 109 pedestrians died in traffic accidents. Over the same period in 2014 there were 121.
Mayor de Blasio’s plan to eradicate traffic fatalities, known as Vision Zero, has so far involved the reduction of speed limits to 25 miles per hour, increasing law enforcement presence setting up speed cameras, and changing traffic flow for particularly risky streets and crossings. Police have been focusing particularly on offenses like reckless driving, speeding, failure to yield to pedestrians, parking in traffic lanes and distracted driving.