Previously we looked at a case where a rubbery toy nearly suffocated a child. The incident caused the mother of the child to campaign for its removal from the market. Unfortunately, not all cases of defective products turn out this way. In many cases, the product proves to be fatal, leaving parents devastated.
One of these cases is related to a product that is specifically bought by many parents to keep their child safe: a baby monitor. Parents all across our country buy baby monitors in order to make sure their child is safely asleep or is safe while playing in his or her room. It gives parents peace of mind, especially throughout the night.
Unfortunately, the product that was meant to keep 10-month-old Savannah safe ultimately took her life. The girl’s family used a baby monitor over her crib to keep an eye on her. They put the video monitor out of reach of the child, but at some point she reached a milestone and stood up on her own. Within one day of reaching that milestone, the girl reached for the monitor and the cord ended up strangling her.