Unfortunately, motorists often speed through school zones, endangering young children and adults who are crossing the street to get to school. If you or your child has been injured in an auto accident within a school zone, you may be entitled to compensation for your harm. At DeFrancisco & Falgiatano Personal Injury Lawyers, our hard-working Syracuse car accident attorneys can help you understand all of your options and guide you through the legal process of filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party.
Every year, a number of children are hurt in school zone accidents. A 2015 report by the Federal Highway Administration reveals that about 44 children are hurt in pedestrian accidents involving automobiles on a daily basis. Many of these accidents take place while kids are walking to or from school. The Transportation Research Board reports approximately 25,000 children are hurt every year in school zones. Interestingly, however, the majority of pedestrians who are hit by a vehicle in school zones are adults.
Motorists are required to use extra care when driving through school zones. As a result, New York law imposes lower speed limits for these areas than other roads. The speed limit is posted before you enter the school zone so that you know to be vigilant. In addition, the sign will usually say which hours the school zone is in effect. The lowest speed limit that is allowed under New York law is 15 miles per hour, and school zone speed limits will typically range from 15-20 miles per hour.