When a patient suffers harm after receiving medical care, their inclination may be to seek compensation from the provider that they believe caused their harm. Merely because a plaintiff sustained injuries does not mean that they will be able to establish that their losses were caused by medical malpractice, though. This was illustrated in a ruling issued by a New York court in a hospital malpractice matter. If you were hurt by the negligence of your health care providers, it is prudent to confer with a Syracuse medical malpractice lawyer about your options.
The Facts of the Case
It is alleged that the plaintiff gave birth to an infant at the defendant hospital. The defendant doctor delivered the infant and the plaintiff’s placenta, which appeared to be intact. Following the delivery, the plaintiff declined to let the defendant doctor examine her uterus and left the hospital against medical advice. She returned two weeks later, however, reporting that she had been bleeding heavily for five days.
It is reported that the plaintiff was diagnosed with a condition where the tissue of her retained placenta grew into the wall of her uterus and had to undergo a hysterectomy. She subsequently filed medical malpractice claims against the defendants. The defendants moved for summary judgment, and the court granted their motions. The plaintiff then appealed. Continue Reading ›