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Articles Posted in Hospital Negligence


Facility where Joan Rivers suffered fatal complication loses accreditation, certification

Following increased scrutiny since the death of comedian Joan Rivers in September, Yorkville Endoscopy—the facility where Rivers was receiving care prior to her death—will reportedly be losing recognition as an accredited and certified facility for insurance purposes. Both the Centers for Medicare Services and the American Association for the Accreditation…


How patients can avoid complications with hospital discharges

Some hospital error cases are based on patient readmissions that occur because of mistakes on diagnosing patients for discharge, and the lack of education that patients receive. Indeed, there are a number of things that hospitals can do in these areas to increase patient safety.  This post will highlight some…


How changing underwear during a procedure can lead to trouble

In a prior post, we highlighted the unfortunate story of a doctor taking a selfie with Joan Rivers while she was sedated prior to undergoing a procedure that led to her death. Indeed, such conduct is just as baffling as it is troubling. However, there are unfortunately more stories like…


New technology could reduce patient mortality rates

A number of our posts have focused on strategies to increase patient safety. They have ranged from surgical teams following checklists to establishing standards for when such procedures would be appropriate. However, a new system highlighted by could be an innovative strategy that could save patients’ lives Patient early…


Record keeping changes could mask hospital mistakes

Record keeping is an important aspect of a medical malpractice case. Essentially, if a hospital has bad record keeping practices, chances are that it may be easier to prove that reasonable steps were not taken to ensure the patient’s safety, or that established procedures were not followed that led to…


Do not despair if you haven’t found a lawyer to take your case

If you are frustrated that you have not found a law firm to take your medical malpractice case, do not lose hope. Take solace in knowing that many clients talk to multiple law firms before they find a firm that is willing to take their cases. The reasons for rejecting…


Johnson & Johnson recalls hysterectomy machines over cancer risk

Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson announced recently that it would stop selling and distributing its power morcellators, after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that its use in hysterectomies and myomectomies could lead to cancer in women. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that…


Using medical malpractice lawsuits to prompt change

Most fields are always changing, and medicine is no different. What is changing within medicine, however, is not necessarily techniques and skills that will reduce serious medical errors or fatal hospital negligence. Instead, it is often finding new medicines or new ways of performing procedures. Yet many of the problems…


Fungus believed to cause numerous deaths transported by linens

Even though people realize that hospitals are filled with numerous infectious diseases, not many people in Oneida think too much about hospital-acquired infections. The problem is, however, that approximately 75,000 people die each year because of infections they caught in hospitals, at least according to the Centers for Disease Control…

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