When children need surgery, this can be a terrifying experience for a parent, especially when decisions must be made as to where the surgical procedure will take place, and who will be performing the procedure. When it comes to pediatric surgical needs, there may be little information that parents can…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
What you should look for in a good doctor
Anyone who tells you about finding a doctor who’s right for you knows how difficult it can be. Indeed, doctors are qualified to practice their respective crafts, but they may not have the bedside manner or the natural empathy that makes patients feel secure with their advice. Also, not all…
Johnson & Johnson recalls hysterectomy machines over cancer risk
Healthcare giant Johnson & Johnson announced recently that it would stop selling and distributing its power morcellators, after the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found that its use in hysterectomies and myomectomies could lead to cancer in women. A report in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that…
Survey: Parents may not be setting the best driving example
As you made your way to work this past week, there’s a very good chance that you observed some fairly reckless conduct behind the wheel from speeding and tailgating to running red lights and, of course, distracted driving. The unfortunate reality is that even though New York has outlawed talking…
Fatal truck accidents rise as fatal car accidents fall
Trucks have always been dangerous on the road. And really, any vehicle has the potential to be dangerous — but with trucks, the threat is more unique than other vehicles. They are so big and powerful, not to mention a bit hard to control, that when they are involved in…
If you ever wondered why doctors don’t criticize each other
New York is one of a few states that has yet to pass a law that will enable doctors to apologize to patients when procedures go wrong without fear of reprisal in the form of a medical malpractice suit. In the past, many doctors would not say anything or register…
Liability still to be established in Times Square bus crash
By now, many of you may have heard about the serious bus accident in Times Square that injured at least 15 people. The crash occurred just days ago when a Gray Line bus crashed into a double-decker tour bus then jumped the curb, travelling along the sidewalk before coming to…
Are electronic medical records really safer? Part II
Earlier in the week we talked specifically about the risk that electronic records could pose to patients, especially when hospitals or medical providers have some kind of hybrid system in place between electronic and paper reocrds. This is such a big concern because of the federal government’s push to get…
Are electronic medical records really safer? Part I
If your doctor is not yet using electronic medical records, it is only a matter of time before he or she does. Though it is not mandatory for hospitals and doctors’ offices to use electronic records, the federal government is strongly encouraging them to do so through both financial incentives…
Tracy Morgan alleges Wal-Mart Stores negligence in trucking crash
The news has certainly made the rounds that noted actor and comedian Tracy Morgan was involved in a very serious trucking accident last month, but it has only recently been announced that Morgan and two others injured in the crash have filed a lawsuit against the owner of the truck:…