A recurring theme on our blog is what patients, hospitals and medical personnel can do to eliminate patient deaths. It is an important topic because of how many preventable deaths occur each year. To put it into perspective (if you haven’t followed our blog before) deaths due to hospital errors…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Wal-Mart reportedly settles wrongful death suit
The trucking industry is arguably suffering with the weather that is affecting the northeast. There are reports of trucking accidents throughout the region, mainly due to snowy and icy roads. It suggests that there are sometimes instances where drivers, despite their efforts to use reasonable care, can be involved in…
Winter storm creates havoc on the roads
When you think of the phrase “oh, the weather outside is frightful” you may think about how cute the snow is during the holiday season. In the first week of February, however, the snow is just an eyesore and may be behind seasonal depressive disorder. Nevertheless, another snowstorm is bearing…
An ideal weekend for sports fans
For sports fans, this weekend is made for snowstorms. Oh by the way, another swath of storms is expected through the end of the week. So if you are poised to sit on the couch and watch college basketball, hockey games, and Super Bowl XLIX, no one is going to…
Types of brain injuries revealed
On our blog we have discussed the many ways that people can suffer brain injuries; especially in the context of auto accidents, sports injuries, and arguably the most common way…falls. We have noted how important it is for physicians and medical personnel to make quick, yet educated, decisions about how…
Your back pain could be a spinal infection
In a number of posts we have written, we have highlighted the continuing problem of medical conditions being caused by delays in diagnoses. Essentially, such a delay could lead to a minor condition that would require little treatment progressing to a serious one that would require surgery or other invasive…
Here we go again. Another snowstorm.
Just when you thought that winter hasn’t been so bad with regard to snow, a major winter storm is bearing down on our region and threatens to bring at least a foot of snow before all is said and done on Tuesday. Indeed, we have had our share of snow…
Listening may be effective in preventing medical errors
We have written a number of times about how physicians and medical staff have a duty to use reasonable care while tending to patients they are assigned to. Indeed, the main impetus behind medical malpractice cases is the failure to use such care (i.e. acting as a physician with similar…
How deaths after premature births can be avoided
It is difficult enough to bring a baby who is full term into the world. For babies who are premature, caring for them is no less important, but can be difficult as well. However, modern medicine is enabling more pre-term babies to survive. However, pre-term births are still extremely dangerous.…
Study suggests that defensive medicine still persists
We have written before on the concept of defensive medicine and the monetary effect that it has on health care costs. Essentially, many doctors have become used to performing unnecessary tests to rule out potential conditions out of fear of being sued for malpractice down the road. This practice has…