According to weather experts, this winter has seen more snow than any time in the last decade. It has certainly made for an “interesting” winter and challenging driving conditions. With the calendar turning to March and warmer temperatures, there are some concerns that a rapid melt could lead to flooding.…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Family of child determined brain dead sue doctor, hospital
Losing a child is tough enough. To find out that it could have been entirely preventable is enough to make a parent see red. In these instances, it is natural for a parent to want to hold everyone involved accountable; from the physician who treated the child, to the nurses…
Does an injured person need to mitigate their damages?
A number of our posts have focused on who can be held liable in an accident, and what the injured person may be able to recover in terms of monetary damages. But in the midst of pursuing compensation for an injury, many plaintiffs may not realize that there may be…
Could multiple defendants be sued for superbug outbreak
Last week we highlighted the “superbug” outbreak at UCLA’s Ronald Reagan Medical Center, where two people died and several others were infected with an antibiotic resistant bacteria called CRE (known as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae). We highlighted the need for hospitals to use reasonable care in sanitizing equipment and cleaning surfaces that…
Nurse who contracted Ebola to sue hospital where she worked
While a majority of our hospital negligence posts focus on the diseases and ailments that patients may contract, it is not uncommon for nurses and hospital staff to contract diseases when proper treating procedures have not been established, or when the proper equipment is not available to protect nurses and…
‘Heads up’ display may not be the best for distracted driving
The North American International Auto Show in Detroit last month drew more than 200,000 car enthusiasts who were interested in the latest available technologies as well as concept cars that will eventually be on the road in years to come. Indeed, the prevailing talk is about the future of self-driving…
Why review of cleaning standards is important
When you think about bacteria, chances are that you are trying to avoid the harmful effects that come from it. After all, bacteria is commonly followed by sickness and disease; and if you have something caused by harmful bacteria, chances are that you are being prescribed antibiotics to get rid…
Autism study raises questions about iron intake during pregancy
The fear of autism in an unborn child is a very real concern for pregnant mothers; especially those who carry the common risk factors along with a child in their womb. Expectant mothers who are over 35 or have weight concerns or other metabolic issues such as diabetes or hypertension…
School bus drivers must drive safely
In all of our posts about traffic safety (i.e. driving in inclement weather) we have not discussed school bus safety. It is about time that we do so, given that school bus drivers drive thousands of miles around central New York with children on board every month. Additionally, bus drivers…
What should you do if you hit black ice?
If you are tired of snow and icy conditions, chances are that you are not alone. There’s a reason why the weather patterns in our region have made headline news. Nevertheless, enduring the weather is what makes us strong, resilient and appreciative of spring. In the meantime, we must drive…