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Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog


How recovery predictions can be made for brain injuries

In a number of our posts we have highlighted how different brain injuries must be diagnosed and treated differently. Essentially, physicians attempt to treat an injury based on physical, mental and emotional symptoms. Despite the universal treatment methods, people may recover differently from their injuries. Take a football player for…


How you can suffer a spinal cord injury

The great thing about innovation in the medical field is that it brings us closer to cures to illnesses and injuries that were once thought to be death sentences, or permanent lifestyle changes. Innovations to nerve damage (specifically, spinal cord injuries) are part of this. However, innovation comes slowly, and…


Can a birth injury lead to a medical malpractice case?

The birth of a child can be described as a medical marvel. Being born alive after being nurtured in a mother’s womb just doesn’t happen without some monitoring and careful handling; especially considering all the things that can go wrong during a birth. Because of these possibilities, many hospitals have…


Why moving violations can lead to negligence claims

In a previous post, we highlighted how potholes and poorly maintained streets can lead to accidents and how injured drivers can be compensated. However, drivers have to deal with more than just potholes on a daily basis. There are distracted drivers, drunk drivers and even aggressive drivers on the road…


10 questions to help determine if a birth injury occurred

Parents in Syracuse start protecting their children from the moment they learn of a pregnancy. Many books are published on the subject of “keeping your child safe,” but these books cannot answer every question parents have or help them handle labor on their own. They simply have to rely on…


Survey shows that doctors order unnecessary tests

In our last post, we highlighted the potential for better patient care if safe harbor provisions were followed and allowed to be incorporated into useful legislation. One of the notions behind safe harbors was that doctors commonly ordered tests that were not necessary or were created out of fear of…


Could safe harbor provisions improve patient care?

After decades of changes and law changes in a majority of states, it appears that medical malpractice reform is still a controversial topic. Indeed, physicians (and insurers) are afraid of multi-million dollar malpractice awards, and the way medicine is practiced (with defensive medicine) is indicative of this. With that said,…

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