In a prior post we highlighted how a motorcycle rider’s GoPro camera captured a near fatal accident where another rider did not see him and barreled into him. It remains to be seen why the other rider did not see the crashed motorcyclist; as it is much more common for…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Do you need to replace your car seat after an accident?
There’s no question that a car accident can be jarring. But even after the initial shock, the thoughts of anger and worry may set in check to see if everyone is alright. Of course you may be thanking your lucky stars that you (or your children) were not injured further…
Three ways a patient can protect themselves from malpractice
In a number of our posts, we have noted how medical malpractice is one of the leading causes of death in hospitals. Indeed, there is much that can be done on the physician’s side that can prevent such deaths (especially through misdiagnoses), but patients can also protect themselves from doctors…
NHTSA administrator concerned about higher truck speed limits
With a number of states raising speed limits in rural areas, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is becoming concerned with the speeds that semi trucks may be travelling. Mark Rosekind, who took over as administrator of the agency in December 2014, believes that the new laws could be a…
GoPro camera captures motorcycle rider’s crash
It should go without saying that motorcycle accidents are scary experiences. Imagine speeding down the road at more than 70 miles per hour when something goes wrong. You may not have any options as you lose control and you crash. It may be difficult to fathom the horror and despair…
Why some brain injuries are assessed and treated differently
In a number of our posts, we have noted that not all brain injuries are the same and that different treatments may be necessary depending on the injury. Through this post, we will briefly explain why that is. Essentially, the brain is made up of neurons that form nerve tracts…
Close call with waiting school kids causes anger, concerns
The images of three school children near Seattle, Washington nearly being hit by a car made national news this week, as it served as a poignant reminder that drivers must be aware of their surroundings and obey traffic laws pertaining to school buses. The security video from the bus driver…
Glances away from the road could lead to accidents
Think about how often you glance away from the road while driving. Some glances may be innocuous and necessary, such as checking your blind spot before a lane change. Looking in the rear view mirror to see if someone is riding your bumper, or just checking out what is causing…
Homeopathic medicines could see more scrutiny
With the use of marijuana as a medicinal alternative for pain medication growing, it is no wonder why the homeopathic medicine industry is experiencing a growth spurt as well. According to a recent report, the industry experiences nearly $3 billion in annual revenue. This means that more Americans are…
Blue Bell announces reboot after listeria outbreak
While many of our posts have focused on defective products relating to automobiles (e.g. defective airbags) products liability cases can relate to many other items that consumers use every day. One of the more recent issues involves Blue Bell Ice Cream. According to a recent ABC report, the century…