While a number of our posts have focused on automotive recalls, there are many other product recalls that can affect our readers in different ways. For instance, everyone at some time goes to the grocery store to buy food. In the last few weeks, a number of important food recalls…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Should I seek recovery from medical error in malpractice litigation?
A recent article in Becker’s ASC Review took a look at a number of interesting facts surrounding medical malpractice litigation, including statistics on the incidence of medical malpractice claims, average payouts, which specialists are most at risk for litigation, and inconsistencies in settlement agreements. One point in the article particularly…
How foggy mornings can be dangerous for drivers
If you haven’t noticed all the pumpkins sprouting up, the Halloween costume displays in retail stores and the football games on during the weekend, fall is here. This means that the days are definitely getting shorter. In a prior post, we highlighted the danger that drivers have of seeing pedestrians,…
What to expect when consulting an attorney
Surviving an accident is only one step in your recovery. There may be medical procedures you have to go through, rehabilitation that takes place and even repairs that may need to be done. Before all of this takes place, it may be necessary to consult an experienced personal injury attorney…
What problems can arise in a doctor-patient relationship?
All patients hope they will have a good relationship with their physician. Unfortunately, problems can sometimes come up in a doctor-patient relationship. Recently, a Consumer Reports article pointed out some of the more common doctor-patient relationship problems that can arise. Here are the problems the article highlighted: A doctor ignoring…
What to do to avoid accidents with deer
How costly and dangerous can an accident with a deer be? Consider this: according to an American Family Insurance report, the insurance provider paid more than 32,000 claims for deer collision accidents in 2010, which resulted in more than $85 million in payments. As fall begins, deer migration is an…
What to expect when consulting a personal injury attorney
Surviving an accident is only one step in your recovery. There may be medical procedures you have to go through, rehabilitation that takes place and even repairs that may need to be done. Before all of this takes place, it may be necessary to consult an experienced personal injury attorney…
Debunking myths about trucking safety
In a number of our posts, we have highlighted the dangers that semi-truck pose to the driving public. Indeed, truck drivers are specially trained to handle the largest vehicles on the road, but there are a number of myths that are prevalent that could lead to truck accidents. Through this…
Was a defective humidifier to blame in a house fire?
A dehumidifier was reportedly responsible for causing a house fire in the town of Marcellus on Thursday evening. According to a Syracuse.com report, firefighters from several departments responded just before midnight to put out the fire. Because of such a quick response, the small fire that was found in the…
Why checking blind spots is important
When young drivers first learn about operating a car, they may not understand the importance of checking their blind spot. After all, it may be a foreign concept because they may not be used to looking over all of the areas before making a lane change. However, even some of…