Many surgeries performed across the country are truly lifesaving. One type of surgery that has helped many people in New York is known as bariatric surgery. This type of surgery, commonly known as weight loss surgery, helps a person lose weight and regain their health. Probably the most well-known of…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Help your child live a better life after a birth injury
When a woman finds out she is pregnant after trying to conceive, it is oftentimes a very joyous time. This moment is followed by months of ultrasounds, preparation, announcements, and baby showers. Many couples do their research to find the best medical professionals to help them during the process and…
Legislative focus: crash prevention, recalls and clean air
National legislators have long been trying to get car manufacturers to produce vehicles that are more environmentally friendly and that better protect their drivers and passengers, respectively. At first blush, that might reasonably seem to be a bifurcated focus, with those topic areas not having any readily perceivable overlap. Congressional…
Defective products: a persistent threat to New York consumers
It hardly seems unreasonable to argue that a consumer in New York or anywhere else in the United States has the right to use purchased products in a confident manner. Put another way: They shouldn’t explode, ignite, fail to engage as promised, collapse, start or shut off unexpectedly, or otherwise…
Development in long-discussed cancer-screening guideline
Some? None? More? When it comes to breast cancer screening for women in New York and across the United States, the accepted guideline seems, well, anything but accepted. In fact, discussion simply seems to lead to more questions. Test initially at age 40? 45? 50? Never, unless indicated by family…
Could a distracted driving ticket help in your accident claim?
It is only a matter of time before the New York State Police conducts its fall ticketing campaign for distracted driving. State troopers are aimed to remind people of how dangerous distracted driving can be and why it is illegal. Drivers can expect police in marked and unmarked cars to…
New York birth injury focus: shoulder dystocia
Few things could possibly be more frightening for any involved person or family member to contemplate than something going wrong in an operating room. And when babies are the focal point in any matter involving substandard care, concern ratchets up to an unfathomable degree. Intuitively, we all know that. It…
Risks contributing to truck accidents: yes, there are many
We note on our legal website the often devastating consequences that ensue for New York drivers and occupants in passenger vehicles when they become involved in crashes or collisions featuring large commercial trucks. In fact, we cite the obvious regarding big rigs on the Syracuse Truck Accident page at the…
Former prison inmate brings medical malpractice lawsuit
Generally we don’t think about medical care in New York’s prison system. It is not a common topic that we see on news reports; and because of this, it is like prisoners are out of sight and out of mind. Despite this, prison inmates can still be victims of medical…
Could the new IPhone 6 be hazardous to consumers?
The fanfare behind the new IPhone 6 Plus may not have been as great as prior IPhone releases, but customers appear generally happy with the new smartphone iteration. However, with each new phone release, there the expected defects and bugs that can drive customers crazy, and the IPhone 6 Plus…