When an accident happens, there is a wide variety of injuries that can occur, from broken bones to scrapes to concussions. One of the more painful injuries that may occur during a car accident or from a defective product is a burn injury. Burns can be caused by boiling water,…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Cosmetic surgery: what are the risks?
Many people go under the knife daily throughout the country as surgeons perform routine and life-saving surgeries. While there are many types of surgeries performed on a daily basis, one of the more controversial types is cosmetic surgery. In most cases cosmetic surgery is an elective surgery meaning the person…
Man dies in crash after other driver fails to stop at stop sign
Car accidents happen throughout Syracuse and the state of New York every day. While they are unfortunate, many of them are merely fender-benders that take up time and bring stress to the day. But for the truly unlucky, these accidents can bring severe injuries or even death. Recently, a man…
What to do if a holiday gift causes you injury
During the holiday season, a lot of new products will enter the home. Kids will receive new toys and parents will receive new long-awaited gadgets. It is a time of year that many are very excited about. Once the presents are unwrapped, the new products will usually get their fair…
Rash of pedestrian accidents in NYC show much work to be done
In New York City, there has been a recent flourish of pedestrian accidents which demonstrate how serious the consequences of a car crash can be. Over a dozen pedestrians have reportedly been killed in the Big Apple since Halloween, despite Mayor de Blasio’s ongoing efforts to completely eliminate traffic deaths…
Distracted driving law and negligence in New York
In our last post, we began speaking about recent data showing an increase in car accidents in the first half of 2015, which may be partly due to increase cell phone use. As we noted, distracted driving is a problem every state is currently grappling with, using a variety of…
Could NHTSA data point to increase in cell phone use by drivers?
Recent data released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration showed there was an 8.1 increase in the number of fatal accidents in the United States in the first half of 2015 following a decrease in 2014. The increase was reportedly the biggest six-month jump in traffic fatalities reported since…
Is Congress not doing enough to prevent trucking accidents?
The number of individuals expected to die in trucking accidents during the coming year exceeds the numbers of those who have died in commercial airline accidents during the past 45 years. According to a New York Times opinion piece, there is increased suspicion that the trucking industry is getting off…
Many anesthesia errors occur in non-operating settings
Many of us may be unaware that a large portion of medical malpractice claims result from negligence occurring outside of the operating room. This includes mistakes made during the administration of anesthesia. There are conflicting results in studies concerning the number of operating room and non-operating room anesthetic complications. But…
Top Four Reasons Injured Patients File A Med Mal Lawsuit
Much is said and written regarding medical malpractice lawsuits. To some, medical malpractice lawsuits are hurting the practice of medicine in New York. These people often note that New York had the highest number of medical malpractice claims paid out in the U.S. over the last decade. To many others…