When it comes to safety in places of business, most of us expect that businesses are going to be proactive in dealing with dangerous conditions that exist on the premises. We assume that if there is a condition on the property that presents a significant risk to patrons, the condition…
Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog
Looking at the risks of home birth: be careful what midwife you use, P.2
Last time, we began looking at some of the risks of electing for a home birth, particularly at the role the midwife has to play in these risks. As we noted, lack of training really sets a certain type of midwife apart from midwives who go through more rigorous training.…
Looking at the risks of home birth: be careful what midwife you use, P.3
We’ve been looking in recent posts at the issue of home birth, the risks involved, and midwife professional liability. One important point we need to make about this topic is that, while home birth may be inherently risky, particularly for certain women, those who do take the risk of having…
Looking at the risks of home birth: be careful what midwife you use, P.1
The way a couple chooses to give birth to a child is a very personal and potentially sensitive matter. Different couples have different approaches and opinions about what is best for the child, and what is most comfortable for the mother. One of the options some couples have, depending on…
In May, may you be aware of these health issues, Pt. 1
With 12 months in a year, it can be difficult to keep up with the numerous causes that monthly awareness campaigns bring forward. Awareness causes, however, provide crucial opportunities for communities to become informed and take steps that might save lives. The month of May boasts various awareness campaigns. This…
Holding auto manufacturers, distributors, retailers liable for their role in auto accidents
This is the fifth post in a series dealing with the topic of third party lawsuits in motor vehicle accident cases, by which we mean liability for parties who were not directly involved in the accident. Last time, we looked at truck accident cases and the possibility of vicarious liability…
Holding trucking companies accountable for their role in auto accidents
Recent posts on this blog have focused on the issue of vicarious liability in personal injury litigation. There are a variety of situations where an employer can become liable for a motor vehicle accident caused by an employee. One common area where this can happen is in truck accident cases.…
Vicarious liability in personal injury litigation, P.2
Last time, we began discussing the issue of liability in the context of motor vehicle accidents. As we noted, it is important for accident victims to explore all possibilities in terms of liability, including the possibility of comparative negligence and vicarious liability, particularly employer liability for the actions of employees…
Vicarious liability in personal injury litigation, P.3
We’ve been looking in recent posts at the issue of vicarious liability in the context of motor vehicle accidents involving employees and independent contractors. Last time, we looked particularly at the foreseeability and scope of employment requirements. As we noted, the key question with scope of employment is whether the…
Vicarious liability in personal injury litigation, P.1
In a previous post, we mentioned that third party liability is an important issue to explore in motor vehicle accident cases where there may have been other parties who contributed to the accident other than the individuals directly involved in the crash. The possibility of pursuing such third-party liability really…