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Syracuse Personal Injury Law Blog


Children’s product recalls can lead to devastating outcomes, P. 4

Previously we looked at a case where a rubbery toy nearly suffocated a child. The incident caused the mother of the child to campaign for its removal from the market. Unfortunately, not all cases of defective products turn out this way. In many cases, the product proves to be fatal,…


Children’s product recalls can lead to devastating outcomes, P. 3

In our last two posts on this topic we covered the basics of recalls related to children’s products and discussed the various types of issues that may happen with certain kids’ products. Today we take a deeper look at some very personal stories that either injured or took the life…


Trucks, buses still cause many accidents every year

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has an incredible amount of data on motor vehicle accidents that involve large trucks and buses. Their database is recent as of the year 2014. According to that year of data, safety has improved, in general, when it comes to large trucks and…


Children’s product recalls can lead to devastating outcomes, P. 2

In today’s post, we continue our discussion on children’s product recalls. While we may know general facts about the different recalls that have happened, it can be a good idea to understand what kind of issues different types of children’s products may have in terms of safety. Here are some…


Children’s product recalls can lead to devastating outcomes, P. 1

We hear about child-related product recalls every now and then, especially when they lead to a tragic outcome. If you go to websites such as, you can read through many tragic stories of products hurting or killing children. The problem is a lot more frequent than some readers may…


Premises liability litigation and the need for experienced legal counsel, P.4

In recent posts, we’ve been looking at the topic of premises liability and strategies property owners sometimes use to minimize their liability. From what we’ve said thus far, it should be fairly clear why it is important to work with experienced legal counsel in seeking compensation from a negligent property…


Premises liability litigation and the need for experienced legal counsel, P.3

This is our fourth post in a series dealing with the topic of premises liability. We’ve already looked briefly at premises liability claims in general, as well as the issues of comparative negligence and assumption of risk in the context of premises liability. So called “slip and fall” cases are…


Premises liability litigation and the need for experienced legal counsel, P.2

In our last post, we began looking at the principles of assumption of risk and comparative fault in premises liability cases. In the state of New York, premises liability is based on negligence, which is the failure to carry out a legal duty owed to another. While some states make…


Premises liability litigation and the need for experienced legal counsel, P.1

Last time, we began looking at a premises liability case out in California involving an injury that occurred in a New York health club. One of the issues in that case, we noted, was whether the health club patron assumed the risk of injury by participating in an activity offered…


Do apology laws actually work?

In a prior post, we highlighted the prospective success of safe harbor provisions, which essentially protect physicians who want to give alternative recommendations when medical procedures don’t go as planned. These provisions are envisioned as a way to improve health care; which in turn, may limit medical malpractice lawsuits. However,…

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