We hear about a lot of different types of medical malpractice cases but the stories that are often the hardest to hear about are those involving children. As parents, we will often trust medical professionals in terms of their treatment recommendations when our children are facing serious medical problems. We…
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice
Getting past the stigma of filing a medical malpractice lawsuit
There is a lot of stigma surrounding medical malpractice lawsuits. Some might think that far too many people file lawsuits against physicians or big entities every year in hopes of securing a big award. Considering they are covered by malpractice insurance, some might think that everyone is reaching for a…
Minimally invasive surgery leads to woman’s death
There is some risk associated with undergoing just about any surgery. Whether it’s a lifesaving surgery or a cosmetic one, people in our state make decisions every day to go under the knife. When patients hear that the surgery they need is “minimally invasive,” they may feel a bit more…
Public New York hospitals see increase in med mal cases
New York City has the largest municipal health care system in the United States. There are 11 public hospitals in New York City, which are run by the City Health and Hospitals Corporation. Because of its sheer size, it’s important for the city and for patients to know these hospitals’…
New York third-party medical malpractice lawsuit reinstated
A very interesting case recently made it to New York’s highest court that brings up a unique issue when it comes to medical malpractice lawsuits. We have extensively discussed medical malpractice lawsuits on our blog that involve a patient who was injured due to alleged negligence by a medical professional.…
Syracuse VA has relatively low medical malpractice claim numbers
Up until 1946, veterans who felt they were victims of medical malpractice that occurred at a VA medical center were unable to sue. Thankfully Congress passed the Federal Tort Claims Act that year, which gave veterans the right to seek compensation from the federal government for the injuries they suffered…
Hospital works to decrease medical errors, malpractice suits
Although a medical malpractice lawsuit win can often lead to compensation for the victims involved, it also serves another purpose. It hopefully motivates the physicians and medical entities to change their safety procedures so the negligence doesn’t happen again. A recent news article described a few ways that doctors and…
Women bitten by cat files medical malpractice lawsuit
Most of the time when someone goes into a New York hospital with a minor issue, it stays a minor issue. The doctors at the hospital are able to treat the ailment and send the patient home with follow up instructions. But once in a while, for one reason or…
Survey asks physicians why they got sued
We constantly discuss a variety of medical malpractice cases on our blog, but sometimes it’s hard to see the bigger picture. Looking at the issue as a whole can sometimes help the medical field understand where they are lacking and what they can do better in order to not cause…
Cosmetic surgery: what questions should I ask?
In our last post we started discussing cosmetic surgery. This type of surgery has a large range of risks that come with it, just as other surgeries do. Although there are risks involved, many people still make the decision to go through with the surgery. One of the best ways…